adventure tour to spread love, eliminate fear and save rainforests and wildlife

I believe… if we really wanted, we could save our planet. But governments cannot – and when people don’t believe it is possible, then it is not.

I believe… if we really wanted to stop Covid19, then we could. But governments cannot – and when people don’t believe it is possible, then it is not.

I believe… if we really wanted governments to change our societies then we could make it happen. But if we don’t believe it is possible, then we cannot.

I believe… that people want to believe. And when people start believing, I believe they can and will change the world.

I beilieve. Therefore I will now start a journey I started once before at the age of 12. Crazy, people said then. Crazy many people will say once again.

But crazy ideas are only crazy if you don’t believe yourself. For me it is an adventure. One with purpose, opportunities and not fearing to feel unsafe, not fearing to come to feel hungry, not fearing to feel locked up without freedom, not fearing to be alone and not fearing to feel worthless. It is about music, bonfires, experiences, helping, gratitude for helping, smiles, laughter and friendships that will last for life. It is about spreading love and eliminate fear. For me, it is all what life is really about! 


The purpose is to do something good. My personal purpose is to do as much as I can to make a positive turn-around in Madagascar. It’s unique Rainforests, wildlife and ecosystem are threatened by poverty. Poverty cause Slash and Burn of Rainforests. Covid-19 has already caused increase in this, primarily because of the Covid19 caused fall in regenerative ecotourism. Poverty and fear of starvation for adults and their children cause survival reactions. To survive, they must grow food. To grow food, they know no better, faster and easier than Slash and Burn of Rainforests. That will ruin their future lives – and it adds to the global climate crisis, that is a threat to all lives on planet earth.

How and who

I will work together with ALFA (African Leaders For Africans). The program is a non-profit, working to educate people and relieve fear of starvation with the same goals as mine – to save the Rainforests and planet earth. 

As my first action I will donate 100 DKK each week. That is enough for ALFA to pay a young Madagascan volunteer to work fulltime for them. 

Secondly, I will link ALFA up with international volunteer educators in farming, permaculture and other relevant areas of expertise to provide digital teaching and coaching in best ways of survival and sustainable farming and living. 

Third point is to help establishing Covid-19 Neighborhelp groups, if possible to protect communities against the virus and fight it completely off the Island of Madagascar. Otherwise to ensure minimum risk of survival crime through neighbor help. It is important nobody fear to come to the point of starvation for themselves or their children. 

Fourth, I will start activities outside Africa to raise additional funds for ALFA. The main activity is the Madagascar Tour 2020. I will fly, sail, drive, hitchhike, rideshare, bike or walk to get to Madagascar. I will seek to find musicians, craftsmen and other “Viking, Pirate or Naver adventure minded” caravan co-travellers. I will seek to make “Green Lions Cave” events, to give innovative young people the opportunity to present their ideas and raise funding for turning their ideas into reality, so they can contribute to a better future. I will immediately start to contact local communities and ask them if I or we can come to their communities, help with whatever we can in return for them arranging music events, Green Lions’ Caves events, folk gatherings, bonfire parties or whatever they may suggest. Those events will be fundraising events for ALFA.

Fifth and ultimate point is I will seek to find a permission and source of income allowing me to live, work and take part in ALFA’s activities in Madagascar.

Where and when

All preparations are starting now from my location not far from Jelling in Denmark. For now, it is mostly digital work with organizing, coordination, internal communication and with contacting a lot of people. The Madagascar Tour is planned to start 28th May with a four days Viking Camp, hopefully making a small music festival in corporations with the organizers of the cancelled Jelling Music festival. The actual tour starts June 1st 2020 at 9:00 am from the Jelling Stones. If I’m alone I will start walking, biking or driving to the next destination. Where that will be, I don’t know yet. All I know, is that I’m going south towards Africa, like the starlings in Denmark flock to do every fall.


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