The “One bottle at a time” and the “Plast Fun Factory” project

The “One Bottle at a time” and the “Plast Fun Factory” projects are identical. They are social local community awareness and learning eco-projects that addresses many of the United Nations’ highest priority problems in the world.

More importantly, the projects are both part of a collection of projects, that together form a series of ambitious global scalable projects with substantial global impact.

Eco-network-sundays are seeking your support to fundraise for “inspirational local community Eco-projects”.

We are not asking for donations, but we ask for your support to raise awareness about local inspirational and citizen engaging Eco-projects.

The projects are “Act Local – Think Global” projects, all interlinked in a “Local Community Staircase Engagement Project Architecture”.

“Act Local – Think Global Staircase Engagement Project Architecture”

A project with a “Staircase” architecture is a collection of multiple individual projects that together forms an higher ambition goal, but where reaching the objective of the step 1 project is both a tangible outcome and an intangible engagement outcome. When that has been reached, it is like having build the first step on a staircase. As such, reaching the goal of step 1 is the fundament to start the step 2 project, and so on.

The “One bottle at a time” and “Plast Fun Factory” projects

Project step 1:

Objective: Find and engage an “Enthusiatic Local Community Project Initiator”

Task 1.1: Identify a motivated local community person – a teacher
Task 1.2: Present the project, design project plan and get his/her commitment to the plan
Task 1.3: Get written approval of the school/workplace to start the project
Task 1.4: Find a “Plast Fun factory” place with good space to work and store plastic bottles at the school or nearby. Get a written agreement.

Tangible outcome: Agreements
Intangible Outcome: A Local Community Project Initiator and the agreements necessary to start and run it

Project step 2:

Objective: Engage students in collecting plast bottles and make a Trash Bin of them

Task 2.1: Present the project to the school students (Present Plastic Fun ideas)
Task 2.2: Get ideas and collective decide what “The to build as the 1st fun thing” Task 2.3: Get School students to collect enough of a particular type of plastic bottles from homes and neighbors and bring to the “Plast Fun Factory” space
Task 2.4: When enough bottles have been collected, make a trash bin of them

Tangible outcomes: Trash Bin made of plastic bottles plus a “Poster” defining “The 1st fun thing”
Intangible outcome: Students engaged who now also have learned basic about building things with recycled plastic bottles. Creativity stimulus.

Achieving the outcome of step 2, forms a fundament to start the next step project:

Project step 3:

Objective: Engage citizens in collecting plastic bottles to build “a fun things” for the School

Task 3.1: Define what you want to build: For Example a small plastic bottle boat
Task 3.2: Define a “Fun activity”: For example a “Plastic Boat Beach day”
Task 3.3: Define also what to do with the “Fun Thing” after the “Fun day” (Store, sell or recycle)
Task 3.4: Design a “Poster” to hang over the bin so people can see why and which bottles they should throw in it
Task 3.5: Make a collection schedule and assign responsible “Collectors”
Task 3.6: Make an agreement with a restaurant or similar to place the bin and poster there
Task 3.7: “Collectors” collect bottles and bring them to the “Plast Fun Factory” place
Task 3.8: School students build the boat
Task 3.9: School Students, parents and invited have a “Plastic Boat Beach Day”

Tangible outcome: A Boat build of plastic bottles
Intangible outcome: Engaged students and local business. Parent and community awareness




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